JUMP TOAxle Health APIAvailabilityRetrieve timeslots in date rangepostDocumentGet a DocumentgetUpload a DocumentpostPatientCreate a new PatientpostUpdate a PatientputGet a PatientgetGet Visits for a PatientgetProviderCreate a ProviderpostRetrieve a ProvidergetServicesFind available Services in a zip codegetIntake FormGet Prompts by ServicegetVisitGet a cost and duration estimate for a visitpostCreate a VisitpostAdd a Patient to a VisitpostRemove a Patient from a VisitdeleteAdd a service to a visitpostVisit LifecycleRemove a service from a visitdeleteGet a VisitgetReschedule or Cancel a VisitputGet prompt responses for a visitgetWebhooksList webhook subscriptions for V1 of the APIgetCreate a webhook subscription for V1 of the APIpostDelete a webhook subscription for V1 of the APIdeleteWebhook AuthenticationTest WebhooksVisitpostDocumentpostLab ResultspostProviderpostPowered by Get a Documentget https://api.axlehealth-dev.com/v1/documents/{document_id}Retrieve a document that has been created